Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pisang Aroma a la Leuven

This popular Bandung snack was made from wrapped banana slice. We normally use springroll paper to wrap the banana but in Leuven it is difficult to find that particular springroll paper, the one which used for Indonesian springroll. What makes it very special was the ingredients of the paper. Vietnamese or Thai springrolls use rice paper which is rather sticky, while most of Indonesian springrolls use a kind of egg paper. These springroll papers give different texture when fried or steamed.

And in the end i didn't use springroll paper, i used what was available in my fridge: wonton skin :)))

You know that it was really easy for you to make this snack (slice-wrap-fry all the bananas) so i would only give you tips.
1. Banana contains natural sugar. Without adding extra sugar you will have natural caramels. But if you want more sweetness, sprinkle sugar inside your wrapper to avoid melted sugar dropping inside your pan. If you want sugar texture on the skin, make sure that the frying oil has reached it's nearly boiling temperature.
2. Choose a nearly ripe banana, because it will get really soft when it's fried.

Voila, smakelijk eten!

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