First time i tried this meal was in Prague. It was sold at an underground cellar restaurant, slightly spooky -in Prague, what's not?- but nice and warm. This time i made a different goulash. It was not Czechen, it was Hungarian. I personally like the Czech's goulash better because it's thicker, but this one is also good.
Here it goes.
Yield 4-6 serving bowls
500 gram beef shank, cut into cubes
2 red capsicum (or paprika), chopped
1 onion, sliced
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 sticks of carrot, thick sliced
2 tomatoes, roughly chopped
3 cups water
4 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp chili flakes, if you like it spicy
Salt, pepper, and sugar to taste
In a saucepan on medium heat, saute onion until caramelized then toss in garlic. Stir until fragrant. Stir together chopped capsicum, pour flour, stir again, and simmer until it softened. Turn heat into low.
While waiting capsicum to soften, sprinkle salt and pepper on beef, rub evenly. Then put beef in the pan, stir until coated by onion and capsicum. Wait until the meat turn a little brown then add water. Simmer on low heat with closed lid for 1 hour. Keep an eye on the pan, if the water runs dry, add more.
After an hour, add carrots and tomatoes into beef mixture. Stir.
Sprinkle chili flakes, salt, pepper, and sugar to taste. This goulash should have a stronger 'sweet' taste rather than 'savory'. Simmer for another 40minutes until vegetables soften.
Serve with lean bread or boiled potatoes. Or in more Hungarian way: with noodle.
PS: you won't find carrots like shown in my photo because i've cut the cooking time halfway. Yours should be reallysoft, almost pureed. My daughter interrupted me while i was cooking so... yeah, i had a halfcooked carrots here :))))