This simple dinner is actually made from three dishes, that will consume a little longer of your time. Make sure you're not in a hurry when you decide to make this steak for dinner.
Mashed potato:
3 potatoes or 250 gr
1 spoonful butter
3 spoonful of milk
salt, pepper, and chopped parsley
Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Boil your cubes in water in 30 minutes, sprinkle with salt. Check your potato cubes by using fork. If it'd been soft enough, take it out from water then smash your cubes until it thoroughly fine. Mix it with butter. Add milk, stir in. Season with salt, pepper, and parsley. Put aside.
Caramelized Veggies:
Any veggies you have in your fridge. I found broccoli and carrot so that's what we're gonna use.
Cut your veggies into desired shape, saute on non-stick pan and medium heat. Sprinkle with sugar (yes, sugar) and salt. Make sure it caramelized.
Pangasius Steak:
500gr Pangasius fillet. You can use salmon but make sure it is salmon fillet, not smoked sliced salmon.
Dry basil powder
Salt and pepper
First, prepare you fish by seasoning it with salt and pepper. Put aside (while waiting for this, you can do your other dishes). After you think that it's been marinated enough, sprinkle basil powder to you fillet.
Prepare your non-stick pan, coat the cooking surface with butter and heat it on medium heat. When it's hot enough, grill you fillet until it's done.
Cream sauce:
1/2 onion
2 cup/400 ml of milk
1 teaspoon butter
Salt, pepper
Dried basil powder
1 teaspoon maizena flour/ corn starch, dilute in 3 spoonful of water
Chopped onion, saute with melt butter in medium heat. Turn the heat to low, pour milk and stir in until it's half boiled. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add basil powder. Stir in. Pour the diluted corn starch in and stir in until it gets thicken. Done.
Orange sauce:
1/2 onion
2 cup/400 ml of orange juice, of course you can use instant orange juice.
1 teaspoon butter
1/2 lemon
Salt, pepper
1 teaspoon maizena flour/ corn starch, dilute in 3 spoonful of water
Chopped onion, saute with melt butter in medium heat. Turn the heat to low, pour orange juice and stir in until it's half boiled. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Squeeze lemon and add the juice into your mixture. Stir in. Pour the diluted corn starch in and stir in until it gets thicken. Done.
Prepare the steak on flat plate, and voila, smakelijk eten! :)