Thursday, September 10, 2015

Achievement unlocked

Akhirnya bisa bikin puff pastry juga setelah beberapa kali nyoba. Pegelnya itu gak kuat. Ini pun masih pakai teknik blitz puff pastry, bukan yang classic. Tapi jd membuktikan lg kl skill kyk gini bukan semata perkara bakat. Ini mah jam terbang. 10.000 jam latihan ginian, jamin jago.

Tp siapa jg yg mo bikin puff pastry sepuluh reb6 jam mah atuh, hahaha. Sy mah mending beli ajalah kulit pastry udh jd tinggal pake. Hihi.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Laksa Siram

1 bowl or 3 cups of wet laksa noodle.
200 gram of sliced beef
3 garlic cloves
1/2 onion
3 tbsp oyster sauce
salt and pepper
300 gram of kangkung/kale

Cook laksa noodle until al dente.
Bring water to boil, then blanch kangkung until softened.
Saute garlic until fragrant then add beef. Stir.
Add 2 cups of water and oyster sauce. Cook about 20 minute until the liquid is reduced to half. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve laksa noodle with kangkung and pour beef on top of it. Smakelijk!

Coconut Brownie

1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
3 tablespoons lukewarm full milk
2 teaspoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon instant coffee
1/2 cup semisweet cooking chocolate, melted
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup grated coconut
1/2 cup sliced almond

Cream butter and sugar until smooth. You can use low speed mixer or simply using a whisk.
Add eggs, one egg at a time.
In a different bowl, combine melted chocolate, cocoa powder, instant coffee, oil, and milk together until well blended.
Pour chocolate batter into the previous batter. Mix together.
Finally, add flour and salt then mix using a low speed mixer or a balloon whisk.
Scrape the batter into 18x18 cm square pan. Cover with coconut and almonds. Bake in preheated 170 degree celcius oven about 30 minutes.
Cool completely before serving.


Banana roll Bread

1/4 cup susu cair + 1/4 cup air hangat + 1 sdt ragi + 1/4 sdt gula dicampur, diamkan sampai berbuih
1 butir kuning telur + 4 sdm gula pasir dikocok sampai putih, lalu diaduk bersama 3 sdm minyak sayur dan 2 buah pisang yg sudah dis
erut halus/dibuat puree. 
Masukkan campuran ragi yg sdh berbuih. Aduk rata.
Bahan basah tsb diadon dengan 2 cup tepung terigu diuleni sampai kalis. Kl kurang trigunya bisa ditambah dikit2, pokoknya sampai kalis aja. Diamkan 2 jam sampai mengembang.
Setelah dua jam, kempiskan trs dibentuk. Biarkan ngembang lg kira2 40 menit.
Oles bagian atas dgn telur kocok, lalu panggang 20 menit dlm oven yg sudah dipanaskan di suhu 180dercel.

Apple Crumble

1 cup atau 125 gram tepung terigu atau kyk sy setengah2 dicampur oats jg bisa.
1/4 cup atau 75 gram unsalted butter dlm suhu ruang
1/4 cup atau 50 gram gula pasir
1/4 sdt garam
Campur gula, terigu, oats sampai rata. Masukkan mentega lalu remas2 di dlm campuran terigu sampai berbentuk seperti pasir/remah2. Sisihkan.

Untuk isian.
4butir apel ukuran kecil
3 sdm madu
2 sdm gula pasir
3 sdm air
Boleh ditambah 1 sdm bubuk kayu manis
Masak di atas api sedang sampai apel layu.

Siapkan loyang. Tuang apel sampao habis lalu tutup dengan crumble merata. Panggang di dlm oven 180 derajat celcius selama 30 menit atau sampai berwarna keemasan. Siap disantap! Nyam!

Bolu Kurma Keju (Cake with Dates Fruit)

 1/2 cup butter at room temperature
1/2 cup fine sugar
3 egg yolks
1 cup all purpose flour; sifted together with 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup whole milk
1/2 cup dates fruit, diced in cubes shape
1/2 cup sliced almond
3 egg whites, beaten until stiffed and peaked in a separate bowl
1 cup grated cheddar cheese.

Cream butter together with sugar until it becomes pale yellow using medium speed mixer, then add egg yolk one at a time. Mix until combined.
Add milk, mix until the batter leaves trail. Pour flour then fold the batter until combined. Pour dates fruits and sliced almond. Mix again.
Last, pour the batter into stiff egg whites then fold. Do not stir. Bake in 180 degree celcius preheated oven for 25 minutes or after toothpick come out clean. After the cake is out from the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese.


Hokben Salad Dressing Copy

Semudah 3 sdm mayones + 2 sdm saus tomat untuk dressingnya, dengan wortel dan kol/lobak parut yg direndam bersama 3 sdm cuka + 3 sdt gula pasir untuk isinya.

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